female, 40 years old

Main Symptoms     :
 @The numbness of the eyebrows. AA pain of the whole head. BThe voice does not come out. CThe pain of the collarbone. DThe numbness of right and left hands and feet. EThe pains from the back to the waist. FShe has no tastes. GAfter a meal, she is hard without being able to digest it.

Cause of Main Symptoms:
 She encountered a traffic accident in the end of February, this year. During walking on the pedestrian crossing, a car comes from the left side, and she was hit approximately 6 meters. The police thought it to be instant death. The right collarbone fractured, the pelvis fractured, the sinciput fractured. The skin of the right eyebrows peeled off from the forehead. I escaped death in an emergency hospital.

Therapy        :
 Stimulating Detoxification, Auto Frequency Adjustment, Color Therapy, Subspace Trans.
 I sent a bottle of replicated water of the remedy information (for 20 days).

Progress       :
 I had a request in the middle of May from the person herself and performed it in remoteness. I did the normal measurement, treatment for one hour. I called the person after ending QX and confirmed her state. A voice did not come out before starting QX, but it came to come out. The numbness of the eyebrows, the sense of incongruity were still left, but other symptoms were improved. Afterwards, she is drinking water and the numbness of the eyebrows is being improved too.

Times of Therapy   : 1st(remote treatment)