female, 67 years old

Main Symptoms    :
 @The cholesterol level is high, and the numerical value is 280-290 mg/dl. (as for the normal level 180-250 mg/dl)
 AThe stomach is poor condition.

Therapy        :
 Stimlating Detoxification, Dental Therapy, Auto Acupuncture, Trivector Therapy, Spinal Therapy, Subspace Trans.

Progress       :
 @As inspecting the cholesterol level the next day at a hospital, it became 229mg/d of the normal level. The doctor as well as the person herself were surprised because the numerical value had not fallen in this way.
 AThe remedy of gastrointestinal cancer appeared in QX. She received an examination with a gastric camera the next day at a hospital and she was told that there was a parasite on the surface of the gastric mucosa and was told by the doctor that it was bleeding, but there was no need of the treatment. As I have treated a parasite by QX, I can consider that a parasite came out to the gastric mucosa surface.

Times of Therapy   : 2nd