female, 65 years old

Main Symptoms    :
 The numbness of the left hand, the feeling of dyspnea that the right chest seems to be tightened and respiratory disturbance, the back pain of the eyes, the back pain, sleeplessness and dizziness by the depression state for the excessive troubles about the master.

Therapy        :
 Stimulating Detoxification, Dental Therapy, Trivector Therapy, Auto Acupuncture, Subspace Trans.

Progress       :
 All the main symptoms were improved by the second therapy. However, dizziness was caused by an incense insecticide at home. She came to our House and after the third therapy, high heat of 40 degrees (improvement reaction) came out at home, but the heat fell down in around two days. All the main symptoms are improved. She was able to become strong for the master. Afterwards she has been coming to our House to receive therapy for the prevention.

Times of Therapy   : 6th (improved in 2 times)