female, 45 years old

Main Symptoms   :
 RA test(+). hand's tightening, general swelling, general lassitude, heart's palpitation and pain, migraine, autonomic ataxia, once she sleeps, she can not wake up.

Measuring Results:
 A lot of problems of the feeling's side, from around the 3rd therapy toxin, immunity and so on.

Therapy       :
 the 1st: Auto Scalar Therapy, Subspace Trans, Mental Neural Linguistic Programming Interface
 the 2nd: Anti Aging, Subspace Trans, Mental NLP
 the 3rd: Brain Wave Measurement, Subspace Trans, Mental NLP
 the 4th: Auto Scalar Therapy, Spinal Therapy, Mental NLP
 the 5th: Anti Aging, Auto Trivector Adjustment Therapy, Mental NLP
 the 6th: Auto Scalar Therapy, Subspace Trans, Mental NLP

Progress      :
 After the 1st therapy, hand's tightening was dissolved. After the 3rd, general swelling, migraine, heart's palpitation and pain were dissolved. After 5th, all the other symptoms were dissolved. Now in good condition.

Others       :
 At Mental Measurement, when Love Index was increased thinking about her child, tears were poured suddenly and became not to stop, and immediately after that her hand became to bend.

Times of Therapy : 6th